Course Syllabus

This series of modules has been developed to support schools and teachers in their understanding of the  Victorian Curriculum F–10 and to assist in the planning, implementation and assessment of F–6 Physical Education. There are four modules for teachers to work through at their own pace and while the modules have been written sequentially, teachers can opt to complete the modules in any order, selecting those which are most appropriate to their professional learning needs.

Each module begins with an introduction to the topic, followed by two or more video presentations. Resources referred to in the presentations can be found on the Resources page for each module, which can be accessed by clicking the 'Next' button at the bottom of each screen. Some modules have a non-compulsory quiz, where you can test your knowledge and understanding.

Module 1: Understanding the Victorian Curriculum F–10

This module will introduce you to the Victorian Curriculum F–10, providing an overview of the structure of the curriculum and the key components. This module will be appropriate for any school or teacher who is looking to gain a better understanding of the Victorian Curriculum and specifically unpack the Health and Physical Education curriculum.

There are two sections in this module:

  • Structure of the Victorian Curriculum
  • Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Module 2: Understanding the Health and Physical Education propositions

This module will unpack the five propositions that underpin the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education. Each section will address one proposition, exploring how the propositions contribute to the planning and implementation of school Health and Physical Education programs. 

There are five sections in this module:

  • Focus on educative purposes
  • Take a strengths-based approach
  • Value movement
  • Develop health literacy
  • Include a critical inquiry approach.

Module 3: Planning Health and Physical Education F–6 programs

This module will look at how to use the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education to plan a whole school F–6 Health and Physical Education program. The module will demonstrate the importance of whole-school planning in two-year cycles, how to plan a program that allows student to progress along the curriculum continuum and how to plan a unit of learning that is aligned to the curriculum.

There are five sections in this module:

  • Program philosophy and outcomes
  • Using data to inform program planning
  • Developing a yearly plan
  • Learning progressions
  • Unit planning.

Module 4: Assessing Health and Physical Education F–6 programs

This module will look at using the achievement standards to develop assessment tasks in F–6 Physical Education. The module will provide examples of how to identify relevant aspects of the achievement standards and the content descriptions that relate to the achievement standards, as well as how to align the curriculum, the teaching and learning program, and assessment.

There are four sections in this module:

  • Introduction to assessment
  • Planning for assessment
  • Methods of assessment
  • Assessment examples.

Further information

In this final section, find out how you can:

  • contact us
  • subscribe to the F–10 Curriculum Update
  • access more professional learning
  • tell us what you think.